Ditch jQuery: Vanilla JS Alternatives You Need to Know

Harish Kumar · · 4026 Views

jQuery revolutionized web development by simplifying DOM manipulation, event handling, and animations. However, modern JavaScript (ES6 and beyond) now provides many built-in methods and features that make jQuery less essential. If you're transitioning to Vanilla JS, here's a guide to replacing some commonly used jQuery methods with their JavaScript equivalents.

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1. Selecting Elements


const element = $('#myId');
const elements = $('.myClass');

Vanilla JS:

const element = document.querySelector('#myId');
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.myClass');

Vanilla JS methods like querySelector and querySelectorAll allow for powerful and flexible element selection, mimicking CSS selectors.

2. Adding/Removing Classes



Vanilla JS:

const element = document.querySelector('#myId');

Use the classList property to easily manipulate classes.

3. Toggling Visibility



Vanilla JS:

const element = document.querySelector('#myId');
// Hide
element.style.display = 'none';
// Show
element.style.display = '';

Alternatively, you can use classList to toggle CSS visibility styles.

4. Event Handling


$('#myId').on('click', function() {

Vanilla JS:

document.querySelector('#myId').addEventListener('click', () => {

The addEventListener method is the modern standard for event handling in JavaScript.

5. AJAX Requests


    url: '/api/data',
    method: 'GET',
    success: (data) => console.log(data),
    error: (err) => console.error(err),

Vanilla JS:

Using fetch:

    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    .catch(err => console.error(err));

fetch is a built-in API for making HTTP requests and returns Promises.

6. Iterating Over Elements


$('.myClass').each(function() {

Vanilla JS:

document.querySelectorAll('.myClass').forEach(element => {

The forEach method makes iterating over NodeLists simple and readable.

7. Animations (Fade In/Out)



Vanilla JS:

const element = document.querySelector('#myId');

// Fade In
element.style.opacity = 0;
element.style.display = 'block';
let fadeIn = setInterval(() => {
    if (element.style.opacity < 1) {
        element.style.opacity = parseFloat(element.style.opacity) + 0.1;
    } else {
}, 50);

// Fade Out
let fadeOut = setInterval(() => {
    if (element.style.opacity > 0) {
        element.style.opacity = parseFloat(element.style.opacity) - 0.1;
    } else {
        element.style.display = 'none';
}, 50);

While this approach works, consider CSS animations for a simpler, more performant solution.

8. Getting and Setting Attributes


const src = $('#myImage').attr('src');
$('#myImage').attr('src', 'new-image.jpg');

Vanilla JS:

const element = document.querySelector('#myImage');
const src = element.getAttribute('src');
element.setAttribute('src', 'new-image.jpg');

Make the Transition Seamless

Switching from jQuery to Vanilla JS is easier with tools like cheat sheets to quickly look up alternatives.

Introducing Ctrl+Alt+Cheat VSCode Extension
The Ctrl+Alt+Cheat extension includes a dedicated cheat sheet for jQuery Alternatives, showcasing common jQuery methods and their modern Vanilla JS equivalents.

Why use Ctrl+Alt+Cheat?

  1. Quickly find alternatives to deprecated or unnecessary libraries.

  2. Searchable cheat sheets for jQuery, JavaScript, and more.

  3. Easily copy ready-to-use code snippets.

👉 Download Ctrl+Alt+Cheat today and start coding like a pro!

Final Thoughts

Modern JavaScript's capabilities make many jQuery methods redundant. By switching to Vanilla JS, you can improve performance, reduce dependencies, and stay up-to-date with modern best practices.

Ready to boost your productivity? Download the Ctrl+Alt+Cheat VSCode extension and simplify your transition to Vanilla JS today!


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